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professoren_webseiten:rebholz:diypowerpcb [2025/03/02 16:57] – [Introduction] hrebholzprofessoren_webseiten:rebholz:diypowerpcb [2025/03/06 21:06] (aktuell) – [Downloads] hrebholz
Zeile 26: Zeile 26:
-To use the DIY Power PCB, you can program the ESP32 using the Arduino IDE or the ESP-IDF development platform. +To use the DIY Power PCB, you can program the ESP32 using the Arduino IDE or the ESPRESSIFWorkspace (Espressif-IDE) development platform. 
-Arduino IDE is more intuitive; however, it is not capable of utilizing the full range of the timer units. ESP-IDF allows you to access the full functionality of the microcontroller, and the programmer is also faster than the Arduino IDE. However, it is more complicated to get started with.+Arduino IDE is more intuitive; however, it is not capable of utilizing the full range of the timer units. Espressif-IDE allows you to access the full functionality of the microcontroller, and the programmer is also faster than the Arduino IDE. However, it is more complicated to get started with
 +**Board Flyer** 
 +{{ :professoren_webseiten:rebholz:diy_summary_v2board.jpg?direct&900 |}} 
 +===== Downloads ===== 
 +Version 2 of DIY Power PCB KiCAD Files: {{ |Download}}  
 +If you want to generate fancy 3D images you have to download the model files: {{ | Download 3D Models}} \\ 
 +The content of the .zip must be saved in the “3dmodels” folder of KiCAD in a new folder with the name “htwg.3dshapes”. \\ 
 +If your PC does not recognize a USB-to-serial connection, you might not have installed the correct driver yet: 
 +Download the latest drivers: [[|Link to FTDI]] 
 +===== Known Bugs ===== 
 +Following Bugs will be removed within V3 soon: 
 +  * Flashing only works if the incremental encoder is in the correct position, as it blocks the UART signal at every second rotation stage. 
 +  * The incremental encoder only works if the ESP32 is also supplied via USB. 
 +  * As the internal resistance of the driver is considerably high (200 Ohm), the bootstrap capacitor is only recharged slowly. This means that only duty cycle values of up to approx. 90% are possible. In V3 the problem is solved by an additional external bootstrap diode.
 ===== Isolation ===== ===== Isolation =====
professoren_webseiten/rebholz/diypowerpcb.1740934650.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/03/02 16:57 von hrebholz

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