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Theoretical derivations in a lecture are part of everyday university life. But you can only really get to grips with topics if you apply what you have learned! For this reason, we have developed the DIY Power PCB. This enables us to provide all interested students with their own hardware platform to carry out a wide variety of experiments on the subject of power electronics. The idea was not to build the most powerful or the smallest hardware, but a hardware whose components can largely be assembled automatically and which is above all inexpensive and robust. So no worries if a short circuit is generated or smoke rises ;-) The DIY Power PCB is used in various experiments in the lectures on power electronics and electrical drives and costs less than 20€ for our students when fully assembled.


  • 3x half bridges
  • Adjustable overcurrent shutdown
  • ESP32 Wroom microcontroller
  • Listenpunkt1.36 OLED display
  • Max. 36V @10A input
  • Hall sensor or encoder inputs
  • General purpose analog input
  • Reverse polarity protection

USB Isolator

Bei Arbeiten mit angeschlossener seriellen Schnittstelle über USB bitte immer einen Isolator verwenden zum Schutz des eigenen Rechners. z.B.

professoren_webseiten/rebholz/diypowerpcb.1740862200.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/03/01 20:50 von hrebholz

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